Sport Parent Code of Conduct
As a sport parent/guardian of a student participating in Maryland School for the Deaf Athletics, I agree to uphold the following standards of conduct and expectations for myself and my child.
I will commit to promoting good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, and any other athletic event. I understand the importance of fostering a respectful and encouraging environment for all participants.
I agree to abide by the following code of conduct:
— Safety and Well-Being
— Safety and Well-Being
1. I will prioritize the emotional and physical well-being of my child over any personal gain or ambition, emphasizing that success is measured by skill development rather than by winning or losing.
2. I will advocate and enforce a drug-free, alcohol-free, supplement-free, and tobacco-free environment for my child. Additionally, I will refrain from using such substances at all MSD-related athletic events.
— Respect for Rules and Policies
— Respect for Rules and Policies
1. I will ensure that my child understands and abides by the rules, regulations, and policies of the athletic program, school, and respective sports organizations. This includes attendance policies, uniform requirements, and any guidelines set forth by the coaching staff and school administration.
2. I will refrain from undermining or spreading ill will by passing on gossip, rumors, and innuendos, which could harm team morale and cohesiveness.
3. I will pick up my child on time from practices, games, or any other athletic events my child participates in.
4. I will avoid coaching my child or other players during games and practices unless I am an official coach.
— Promotion of Sportsmanship
— Promotion of Sportsmanship
1. I will promote good sportsmanship by demonstrating respect and courtesy and by being a positive role model at every event.
2. I will contribute to making athletics and activities a positive experience for everyone involved, including participants, coaches, officials, and spectators.
3. I will make certain that my child treats other players, coaches, officials, and fans with respect and courtesy.
4. I will not engage in disparaging dialogue or taunting behavior with players, coaches, officials, parents/guardians, and other spectators before, during, and after all events. Additionally, I will refrain from any disruptive behavior, including verbal or physical misconduct, towards anyone at any school-sponsored event.
5. I will make respect the decisions and authority of officials during competitions.
6. I will refrain from criticizing players, coaches, and officials from the stands during any MSD athletic events, whether home or away.
— Communication
— Communication
1. I will adhere to the 24-hour rule: Parents/guardians are not permitted to discuss athletic concerns with the coach for at least 24 hours after an issue arises at a game, practice, or other instance.
a. I will schedule an appointment with the head coach if an issue arises.
b. I understand that playing time in high school athletics is not a valid point of contention.
c. It is never acceptable for a parent/guardian to attempt to discuss another student's playing time.
d. I will communicate respectfully and constructively with coaches regarding my child's development, performance, and any concerns I may have.
2. I will respond to any correspondence (email, text, phone call) related to my child in a respectful manner.
3. I will refrain from contacting, calling, or emailing any league commissioners, opponent coaches, or athletic directors. I understand that such communication is inappropriate, and it is the sole responsibility of the school's appointed representative to address any issues that may arise.
— Uniform and Equipment
— Uniform and Equipment
1. I will ensure that my child uses athletic equipment and uniforms responsibly and follows all care instructions provided by the athletic and coaching staff.
2. I will make certain that all borrowed equipment and uniforms are promptly returned in good condition at the end of each season or upon request by the school.
3. I will support the importance of team unity by ensuring that my child wears the designated uniform and equipment as instructed by the coaching staff and adheres to any uniform requirements set forth by the school.
4. I understand the importance of proper equipment for my child's safety and the integrity of the sport. I will ensure that any equipment used meets safety standards and complies with regulations set forth by the coaching staff and/or the athletic department.
— Financial Responsibility
— Financial Responsibility
1. I will ensure that all required fees (e.g., team fee and travel fee) associated with my child's participation in athletics are paid promptly or in accordance with agreed-upon payment plans.
2. I will communicate openly and promptly with the athletic director or the head coach regarding any financial concerns or difficulties that may affect my child's participation in athletics.
3. I acknowledge that I am responsible for replacing any equipment or my child's practice and game uniforms if my child is responsible for damaging or losing them.
4. I will do my best to support fundraising efforts and contribute positively to achieving financial goals for our athletic programs.
— Consequences for Non-Compliance
— Consequences for Non-Compliance
I understand that failure to cooperate or follow the rules and guidelines may result in being asked to leave the gym or field, or losing access to future games and events.
Depending on the severity of the situation, the following consequences may apply:
First Violation: Verbal and/or written warning
Second Violation: Immediate ejection from the game and potentially subsequent games
Third Violation: Removal from the season
Note: If a violation occurs at the end of the season, the penalty may carry over to the next season.
I understand that adherence to this code of conduct is essential for the success of the athletic program and the positive experience of all participants. I agree to cooperate fully with the school's policies and directives regarding athletics.
Download the PDF of the Sport Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct Agreement Form.